Deep Work

Deep Work is a book by Cal Newport that looks at how social media affects our lives. However, this is not merely “Social media is bad” — we all know this — this is about a fundamental concept that we can incorporate into our lives that can carry over into the workplace in a valuable way.

For instance, imagine, if you will, that you work for an Internet Service Provider. If you get caught up in “shallow work”, as the book calls it, you will simply handle the call and forget about it when it is over. But if you apply the principles of “Deep Work”, what you are going to do is learn from that call, and think about how you can improve upon it. You won’t just check facebook, or tiktok once the call is done, you’ll take what you’ve experienced, and use that to better yourself as an employee.

While “Deep Work” may not be directly related to this hypothetical scenario of a call center employee, or even a gamestop employee (another position where deep work can benefit the individual), the ideas in the book can very easily be applied to those positions without much effort.

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