About a month ago, I decided to take a break from all activities that weren’t related to the Security+. I think that this has made me a whole lot more productive, and had I taken this approach from the beginning, I probably would have already taken my Security+ exam by now.
I don’t have a whole lot of time outside of work and taking care of my daughter, not to mention the regular maintenance and upkeep of the place I live. Lately, I’ve been putting in about 4 hours a day into studying for the Security+, with the bulk of the time being spent on flash cards. I can definitely say that flash cards were the key to my success with the Network+, and they seem to be the thing that gets me by when it comes to approaching practice questions.
I’m using Jason Dion’s course for my main study material, and most of what I learn gets put into my flash cards. For the most part, this is a very effective way of studying, because a lot of the stuff on the Security+ is simply making the right connection between a particular concept and the question in consideration. I do take the time to add a lot of depth to what I study, so I think I’m doing pretty good.
After I get my Security+ out of the way, I’ll return to more focused activities such as my virtual network and things that are meant to get the attention of this or that employer.